I finally find a smart TV at a reasonable price for my mac mini. It is new with 2 HDMI ports. Great. It is a famous household Japanese brand for many years- Hitachi. Their air conditioners are probably the best and most durable. So I give it a try ....
However, when reading text heavy content or typing documents.... text fuzzy and eyes will get very tired very quickly.
I cannot stand the brightness of the TV monitor too...
Googled a lot of "solutions" actually not useful...
As the Hitachi 24HE2000U highest resolutions only 720p... so basically cannot get it as comfy to read as in a macbook ....
My solutions:
Used a mini display port to HDMI cable to connect
System preference - Display - Scaled 1600 x 900
Wear my glasses
Zoom view to 110% to 125%
And also, I did not see Underscan under mac Display (which was showing up when connected to another big JVC TV), in order to get the top menu showing up and the dock at the bottom showing nicely. You will need to adjust the TV settings. Press Home button on the remote, go to Settings - Pictures - Advanced Settings - Picture Zoom, change it to FULL. Restart your Mac Mini and switch off your smart TV and switch on the TV and Mac Mini again. Then the screen should now showing the top menu bar and dock fully.
So far I am ok. As it somehow forces me to zoom documents and websites bigger and keep my reading distance further, I think it is better for my eyes.
Hope this is useful to some of you.
UPDATES: I turned on the TV monitor first. Leave the HDMI off from the mac mini only connected to the TV monitor. Then turned on the mac mini, after 1-2 mins, then I plugged in the hdmi cable to the mac mini. Interestingly, the text was less fuzzy. Strange... but it reduced text fuzzy-ness.