Anyway, I was trying to setup sky broadband in an old house.... old cables... hence, only can rely on telephone line.
Was so happy getting start with the sky hub unfortunately, signal was so poor on second floor.... complaints
After research, found a lot of posting on forums and youtube about how good it is replacing the sky hub with Asus modem router DSL ax-82u. So spent hundred pounds to buy one to try before buying a new one during amazon sales...
Per some users, it works out of the box. BUT. steps are: (this is only for broadband as we are not using landline phone, so we decide to replace the hub with an expensive DSL modem router...)
1. turn off your sky hub
2. connect DSL ax82u with your laptop using a network cable (just use any LAN port on the modem router). switch off wifi on your laptop so to ensure you are only connect to the DSL ax82u modem router.
3. switch on the DSL ax82u, open a web browser on your laptop, type to access the admin page. when you first login, you will need to use the admin login details printed on the label of the modem router.
4. then you may be presented with a black page with 2 options - "create new network" or "advance settings". select "create new network"
5. then follow whatever asked you to do until you arrive a page to ask you to plug in the DSL line (which is connected to openreach on the wall, using the DSL cable that comes with the sky hub)
6. wait wait when it is successful, it will ask you to select country and then which service provider you are using
7. wait wait when it is successful, you will be directed to the advance setting admin page. under WAN, the WAN type auto selected DSL with VDSL. There are other fields which will be auto filled if the connections is successful. (Well done and thanks sky !!) Just click apply or save.
Once all these are done, you can open another browser tab and test browsing a few websites.
Congratulations, you alternative broadband is up and running!
Screenshots sharing (ignored the IP address... I do not know what is the default one... please google...)